Distill your authentic brand voice

You've never been one to follow the conventional path

But when it comes to promoting your business...

Well, the stakes are high.  

This is your dream. Your passion. But it's no hobby.  

So you've been researching funnels, analysing insights, screenshotting prompts.
Putting solid systems in place.

Do not deviate from the path, dearest Little Red Riding Hood, it's dangerous there. 

"But-" that whisper protests. Quietly at first.

"Why can't I just..."

Oh, you little light spark you!

Your joy is deflated.

 Your spirit flattened and enthusiasm snuffed out.

You know you're incredible at this. You know the glass slipper fits.
If only you could find a way to let others see that too -
without shoehorning your passion into someone else's ugly business model.

Most of the strategies don't sit well with you, suit your business, or even serve your people.

And what's more, the tried-and-tested path has only put you in line with
everyone else offering similar skills, solving similar "problems."


When you're looking for wood, you only see trees.  

What about the  s  p  a  c  e  between them? That open field that's calling your name?      

Run to it now. That's where your path lies.    

Your innovation. Your creative power. Your free spirit. And the chance to find or create something new.      

Something that not only lights you up but also offers your people a captivating, activating alternative to all the wood already out there.

Welcome to the wondrous world of elleoquence, where your voice calls the shots.

Here, we honour your inner knowing, your sacred feminine wisdom, and your creative power.

We unravel your free-spirited messaging strategy.

And we co-create enchanting copy with YOU written all over it and your soul clients at the heart of it.    

Without the self-censoring, the formula fitting, or the soulless strategizing.  

We are the wild women of marketing.  

A wave of heart-led intuitives ready to write our own future.    

Take a seat by the fire. You are at home here.

And it's time for your soul story to be heard.

Hello, my courageous creative.

I'm Lauren,
your messaging muse and copywriting enchantress.

I guide you to embrace your individuality and express your spirit in heartfelt copy that connects with only the right people.

Curious to know what your scribbles are saying about you? Wondering where your growth lies as a writer, marketer, human?  
Finally ready to let yourself be seen and heard by piecing together your soul story?
I see it. Feel it. And I believe in your ability to achieve it.  

Let's magnify your message, release your creative blocks, and write captivating copy that builds meaningful connections one intentional step at a time.

So, what are you looking to do?

Write captivating content

Kaleidoscope is an enlivening and enchanting membership for the motivation and support you need to keep promoting your business with pride.

Monthly energy readings, biweekly co-working circles, weekly writing feedback, and a community of soul-aligned coaches and creatives.

Join us to bring your well of an inner world to life in captivating content.

Unmuddle my message

Articulate what makes you the best choice for your dream clients with my soul-inspired website copywriting program, Voice Your Vision.

8 weeks of down-to-earth steps to support you in crafting copy that emanates your essence and welcomes your audience warmly into your world.

Demystify your messaging once and for all while checking your website off your to-do list.

Brand my brilliance

No matter your industry or starting point, a relatable and recognizable brand voice inspires and motivates you and your people to take action.

1-on-1 coaching brings you the clarity and momentum to write (or re-write) a memorable and meaningful brand story.

One that is uniquely yours and sends resonance waves out to the people waiting for your medicine.